Europe VS Asia: epda compares differing approaches to branding

Дата публикации: 26.10.2016

European packaging design association (epda) has decided to cross European borders and invites designers from all over the world to attend its 2-day conference in Taipei on 27/28 October 2016. Depot WPF managing partner, presenting GLBA in Russia, and epda board member Anna Lukanina joined the meeting. Follow its developments through her live report.

Europe VS Asia: epda compares differing approaches to branding

epda congresses were usually conducted in Europe. But non this time. This year the meeting is organised in cooperation with epda board member Jennifer Tsai, Proad Identity, located in Taipei. She has developed a stunning supporting programme, which will take the European audience on a cultural journey to get an authentic taste of Asia.

The whole event will be an enriching experience for all Asian and European participants — a unique opportunity for cultural exchange getting introduced to different approaches on branding and design.

«How different are European and Asian designers, customers, brand owners and packaging producers — and what do we have in common?» is a key point of the congress. During the conference on October 27 design managers from The Absolut Company Sweden and  Suntory Beverage & Food Japan will provide insights into their branding strategies. Designers from East and West will be sharing their design approaches and inspire with design success stories from all over the world, from France, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Vietnam and Thailand to the US. The complete program can be consulted on epda website. 

On epda congress Depot WPF managing partner and GLBA member Anna Lukanina will give a detail overeview of our agency’s work and share russian branding experience with foreign guests. As we go along, we will share the results of this discussion.

For now we suggest to follow online everything what's taking place in Taipei: Anna Lukanina is reporting live on her Facebook page.

Брендинговое агентство Depot WPF, Анна Луканина, анонс, epda, дизайн упаковки

Брендинговое агентство Depot WPF, Анна Луканина, анонс, epda, дизайн упаковки