Vice-president and co-founder of Association of Russian Branding Companies
Vice-president at the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia
Honorary member of Art Directors Club Russia
Vice-president and co-founder of Association of Russian Branding Companies
Vice-president at the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia
Honorary member of Art Directors Club Russia
Vice-president and co-founder of Association of Russian Branding Companies. Academic at the Russian Academy of Advertising. Vice-president at the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia. Member of the jury at various Russian and international advertising festivals and competitions: EFFIE, Red Apple, Adfest etc. Alexey has been in the advertising industry since 1993. He founded the agency Depot in 1998; it went on to become one of the leading players in the branding industry in Russia.
«Personal accountability is the guiding principle of a strong marketer. There are no two ways about it. We offer solutions for which we are obliged to be accountable, because we know how costly mistakes can be. That is my personal position and the position of Depot.»

president at the Association of Russian Branding Companies
president at the Association of Russian Branding Companies
Anna has over 15 years of successful experience in the sphere of brand design. In 2002 she joined the team of Depot. Currently Anna holds the position of its managing director and partner. She joined the executive committee of the European Packaging Design Association — the EPDA in 2008 (at the time it was known as the Pan-European Association of Brand Design) and was president of this organization from 2011 to 2013. She was a board member of the EPDA from 2013 to 2019. Anna won an award at the Kotler Awards 2014 for achievements in the field of marketing and advertising in the «Branding» category. In 2014 Anna won the national «Media Manager of Russia» award. Since 2014 Anna is managing GLBA Moscow. In 2019 Anna became a president of Association of Russian Branding Companies.
«New opportunities, technologies and inventions are appearing each day, in all kinds of areas. We track the latest trends, keep our eyes wide open at all times and constantly ask ourselves whether a particular innovation or idea might be of use to us in our work.»

Anastasiya has worked in marketing and advertising since 2006 and has been on the Depot team since 2011.
«The main reason people turn to branding agencies is that they are looking for an eye-catching visual image. And it is often the case that once an agency has created a high-quality, attractive packaging, a logo that sticks out from the crowd and a new corporate identity, it thinks it has done its job. The other way in which the brand is communicated are deemed to be less important. Nonetheless, the way we feel about people is often determined by what they say. A person's character and values are reflected in every statement they make. The same is true of brands. At Depot, when we create a brand we strive to look at every point of contact between the brand and the consumer, and offer the client a concept that is as integrated as possible, in which even the tiniest details have been carefully thought through.»

Fara's working experience is more than ten years. For such a long period of time he tried himself at ATL, BTL, MEDIA, PR and Event activities. He also has branding working back-ground fr om 2006.
He carries on the advertising project in Central Asia — AdAsia, holds a position of Red Jolbors Fest co-producer. Fara was rewarded at different levels creative festivals which includes Cannes lions. In 2016 Fara Kuchkarov became strategic and tactic director of Depot and was also rewarded as «Multitasker of the year» according to his working progress during this time.
«We are facing an incredible challenge is to create unique solutions in a world wh ere everything is already invented. It inspires and motivates me to work.»

Joined the Depot team in 1999.
Svetlana is responsible for the financial flows management, financial planning and reporting branding agency.
«At first it was a really big challenge for me! It requires a lot of responsibility, new knowledge and ambitions. But now I am inspired by a great amount of talented young people full of optimism around me. This feeling makes me confident and i sincerely believe that Depot team is invincible.»

Academic at the Russian Academy of Advertising. Member of the international artistic directors' club, the ADC. Member of the jury at various international advertising and design festivals.
He began his creative career in 1990 as a photographer and has worked in marketing and advertising since 1994. He has been the creative director at Depot since 1998.
Aleksei is one of the most award-winning creative directors in Russia. He is actively involved in all of Depot projects and always proposes bold strategic and design solutions.
«When you choose to buy a particular brand, what you are obtaining is a sense of your own worth. Brands live inside us.»

Vitaly joined the Depot branding agency in 2005.
Every day, hour, minute and second for more than 10 years he has been helping to customize the user software and communicate securely within the agency, as well as outside it.

She has been in the agency team since 2018. She graduated from the philological faculty of MSU, has a diploma of the Higher School of Branding in the specialty of «brand management».
She speaks several languages, she studied Spanish at the University of Barcelona. All her conscious life, she has worked in sales, marketing and advertising: both on the clients’ side and on the agencies’ side.
Since 2021 she takes the post of the head development's department.

Daria works in marketing more than 10 years on the clients side in different companies. She joined Depot team in 2018.

Irina graduated from MBA of the Higher School of Economics with a degree in Sales and Marketing. She became a part of Depot in 2017.
She has worked in branding since 2012, and has experience in managing the department and creating dozens of brands starting from scratch. She loves a hearty perfectionism and a keen sense of humour. According to the results of work in Depot was honored with «Newbiz Manager of the Year» award in 2018.

She has been working in marketing and advertising fileds for more than 5 years.
Daria has joined the Depot team in 2020.

She graduated from Penza State University with a degree in Advertising.
Irina has worked in marketing and advertising since 2013. She was a «jack of all trades» both in an advertising agency and on the client side. Moreover, she even led her own advertising project!
She has joined the Depot team in August 2018.

He graduated from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography and in 2005 started his professional career in Depot branding agency.
Andrey is sure that sometimes a package excites people, even more than its content. No doubt that the appearance of a product or a corporate identity affects people's attitudes to goods of different categories. However, packaging design let us not only «manipulate» people, but also change the world for the better!
Honorary member of the Art Directors Club Russia (ADCR).
At the end of 2015 he was recognized by Depot team as «Batman of the year» and also received the corporate title of «Irreplaceable specialist of the year».

Elena graduated fr om the faculty of management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. She got an extended education at the NRU HSE School of Design on the course «Communication Design», wh ere she had been taught by Alexey Fadeev.
She worked as a designer at KPMG and Disney. She has joined the Depot team in October 2018.

A new day — a new cause and a new role!