Pencil illustration can be a beautiful way to express a visual identity. Look what Style Sight blog thinks about our package design for MLK brand.
Pencil illustration can be a beautiful way to express a visual. This subtle but eye-catching packaging for milk cartons is by Depot WPF, an innovative Russian-based branding agency.
The clever use of penciled illustration creates impact against competitors where the milk is usually branded in greens, reds and blues to differentiate types. The hand-rendered illustrations have been inspired by the compelling textures and patterns found at the farm where these milk products came to be. This stylishly crafted packaging recently won the 2010 Epica Award for its appealing presentation.
Inked and detailed pencil-sketched artwork is a trend that is starting to creep into many areas of the graphic design world. It can portray a more personal touch that is sometimes lost when hard graphic typography and visual elements are used.