Plus Pomosch Detyam
The main principles of Plus Pomosch Detyam work are honesty, transparency, progressiveness, simplicity and comfort of cooperation with the fund. The organization established by internet-portal BabyBlog helps Russian children fr om all regions regardless of their residence or social status, developing medicine and encouraging Russian specialists.
The slogan of Plus Pomosch Detyam fund says: «Simply help a big deal». The logo supports this message: the big plus of help in it is formed by dozens of little pluses that signifies actions and donations of many people. The story develops within different corporate identity media, interacting with which everyone can turn minus into plus just with a motion of hand. Adding your plus to a big deal is as easy as opening a notebook or unfolding a business card — for example, by sending an SMS with the amount of donation to a short number.
Alexander Zagorsky, Creative Director of Depot: «When we started to work on the project, we wanted to create a communication that would actually work and encourage for action, but without telling a sob story. The communication with our colleagues from the fund, who are nice, positive and very self-motivated, has just strengthened this attitude. As a result we have a simple and kind story which distinguishes Plus Pomosch Detyam from a great amount of charity organizations looking quite similar for unversed public».

Maria Klimashkina, Director of Plus Pomosch Detyam Fund: «The charity in Russia is developing gradually, and the time has already come when the funds have to move to a new level of professionalism, and from the visual point of view as well. We've decided to renew the Plus Pomosch Detyam brand when we understood how important it is to be current and to speak a common language with advanced and progressive people. We would definitely like that charity support of the children became attractive for the society. We are honored to get corporate identity that was created by an authoritative branding agency pro-bono. We thank Depot from the bottom of the heart for trust in our business and credit to our fund. The renewed brand shows the importance of everyone's contribution to a big deal, of the belief in the future of Russian children, the optimism that we can introduce to each other's lives and to those families who faced difficult situations and require solid support to carry out treatment of the baby. We've been actively using the new identity, and it has already managed to bring our fund new partners as well as favorable reports of our constant donators. And the renewed website of the fund will be also launched shortly.»