When developing a name, we consider all areas of the brand's presence. We think of how it would sound in common usage, be written in press releases, look on a price label in the shop, and be adapted for social networks and the mobile application.
Nevertheless, the name development is a creative process; we have a clear sequence of its steps:
1. Analyzing your preferences.
Prior to work, we ask for several successful names fr om any category and explain why you would like them. It does not mean that we will offer something similar. But we will try to consider phonetic preferences and other peculiarities that are often difficult to describe in brief.
2. Listing key words.
Each brand begins with attributes, values, “traits”. We study these key words and their semantic links as a first priority.
3. Making a tag cloud.
This is a list of 100–200 words directly or indirectly associated with the brand. Very often, this is wh ere the idea for future name can be found.
4. Adding the element of chance.
Surprise decisions are inspired by aggregators of the rarely used words being a go-to tool for creative names.
5. Creating a draft list.
Based on the materials we succeeded to collect, we write out the options that theoretically could be the brand name.
6. Checking the dictionary.
We check each found word in the definition dictionary to look for all possible meanings and ensure that they fit the brand.
7. Assessing the meaning in other languages.
If the future brand is going to launch the international market, we check for negative meanings in other languages.
8. Researching the information field.
We review the results of the Russian and foreign search systems in order to ensure that the existing information background of the selected word is neutral, without negative trail.
9. Clarifying the TM registrability.
Prior to the first submission, the names are checked according to the official base of the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (and the international systems for trademarks protection, if needed) in the required classes.
10. “Pulling up” the domain name.
We find out if a domain can be registered in popular zones (first of all, .ru and .com) and offer available options for domain names.
11. Interviewing friends.
We ask our friends, relatives, and acquaintances about associations, emotions and images our product/brand names serving as the first response and later.
12. Arranging a bar test.
And, consequently, final “fitting”. We go to a crowded bar near the agency and read the list to a person not involved in the project. What names could he/she repeat? And which ones he/she remembered? And after two jugs of beer?
Nevertheless, the name development is a creative process; we have a clear sequence of its steps:
1. Analyzing your preferences.
Prior to work, we ask for several successful names fr om any category and explain why you would like them. It does not mean that we will offer something similar. But we will try to consider phonetic preferences and other peculiarities that are often difficult to describe in brief.
2. Listing key words.
Each brand begins with attributes, values, “traits”. We study these key words and their semantic links as a first priority.
3. Making a tag cloud.
This is a list of 100–200 words directly or indirectly associated with the brand. Very often, this is wh ere the idea for future name can be found.
4. Adding the element of chance.
Surprise decisions are inspired by aggregators of the rarely used words being a go-to tool for creative names.
5. Creating a draft list.
Based on the materials we succeeded to collect, we write out the options that theoretically could be the brand name.
6. Checking the dictionary.
We check each found word in the definition dictionary to look for all possible meanings and ensure that they fit the brand.
7. Assessing the meaning in other languages.
If the future brand is going to launch the international market, we check for negative meanings in other languages.
8. Researching the information field.
We review the results of the Russian and foreign search systems in order to ensure that the existing information background of the selected word is neutral, without negative trail.
9. Clarifying the TM registrability.
Prior to the first submission, the names are checked according to the official base of the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (and the international systems for trademarks protection, if needed) in the required classes.
10. “Pulling up” the domain name.
We find out if a domain can be registered in popular zones (first of all, .ru and .com) and offer available options for domain names.
11. Interviewing friends.
We ask our friends, relatives, and acquaintances about associations, emotions and images our product/brand names serving as the first response and later.
12. Arranging a bar test.
And, consequently, final “fitting”. We go to a crowded bar near the agency and read the list to a person not involved in the project. What names could he/she repeat? And which ones he/she remembered? And after two jugs of beer?