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Аlena Kogge
Head of PR and marketing
URALSIB | Private Bank

The main rule of marketing, chemistry and skill of being happy

The main rule of marketing is… to understand clearly what your customers need. In banking, basic needs are – reliability, security, competence. And the style we provide with nuances is top class in our work.

When you chose a partner for a communication project, it is important… to have chemistry. Portfolio, prizes, approach to work, prices – these basics are essential but for me it is inevitable to work not only with professionals but also with like-minded people. It matters if we read from the same page or not.

For instance, when you launch rebranding you should find not only a contractor, but a partner whose goal is the same as yours – to create something new. Depot branding agency has become this kind of partner to us.

For Uralsib | Private Bank rebranding we have changed not only logo and visual style but also positioning of bank in general. It’s been 2 years since rebranding. Looking back, it is rewarding to realize that we made it: we have achieved everything we wanted.

Looking back, it is rewarding to realize that we made it: we have achieved everything we wanted.

The best thing about work is… to see your results, your victories. When you start a project, you always ask yourself: “What do I want to achieve? What will be the best result?” And it is highly rewarding when the work meets your expectations.

The achievements I am proud of… is something I will talk about even in 20 years. For now, I can state that I am satisfied with the work I do. I tackle tasks efficiently and with good taste.

If you want to be happy, you need to find what is yours. In the first place, the work that helps you grow. The place where you are surrounded by like-minded professionals.

Inspiration sparkles… when you have both knowledge and positive emotions. These days we can learn from many resources. And our friends, art, music, travelling make us happy.

Happiness is … a skill. If you are in harmony with the world and with yourself, you are happy. That works with business, too. It is just a part of life.

Commercial Director
Director of Marketing (Chocolate & Confectionery)
Nestle Russia
Brand manager Lipton